One of our most popular setups is a multi-vendor setup. This guide teaches you how to create a Scenario for each of your vendors, then combine them together into a single rate using rate blending. This setup works well for drop-shipping.
Add A Vendor Scenario
1) Click Shipping on the sidebar menu, then select Scenarios from the drop-down list.

2) Click the Create scenario button.

General Settings
1) Enter a Scenario title. We recommend using the name of your vendor.

2) If you want the Scenario to be available right away, leave the Scenario status set to On. If you want to test it first before making it public, set it to Test.

1) Select Set restrictions.

2) Leave Condition match set to All conditions.

3) Select the Product vendor condition type.

4) Leave the condition logic set to equals.

5) Select the vendor name as the condition value.

6) Leave the setting below the condition value set to Any product.

Product Filters
1) Leave Product filters set to Match product conditions.
That means, only products from the vendor selected in Conditions will be calculated by the shipping method assigned to this Scenario. In the vast majority of cases, this is the desired result.
Save Your Settings
1) Click the Save button to save your first vendor Scenario.

Add A Vendor Shipping Method
In this example, we’re going to set up a custom service shipping method with a table of rates. If your vendor charges a flat rate for shipping, you can still follow the steps below.
If your vendor uses one of our integrated carrier partners, like FedEx or UPS, create a parcel service shipping method. When you get to rate blending (the final setup section) in the parcel service guide, return to this guide to complete blending with the Rate Blending section below.
1) Click the Create shipping method button to add a vendor shipping method.

Select A Custom Shipping Service
1) Click the downward arrow beside ‘Custom services’ to display a list of options.

2) Select Custom shipping rates from the list.

3) Click the Next button.

4) Select a Zone.

5) Click the Configure shipping button.

1) Enter a shipping method title. The title entered here will be visible to customers.

2) Leave the shipping method status set to ‘On’.

3) If desired, enter a description for your vendor shipping method. We recommend limiting your description to 90 characters or less to ensure it displays properly on the checkout page.

Additional display settings are available for delivery times, order processing times and service codes. If you do not need to adjust these settings, skip ahead to Shipping Cost. Otherwise, continue to Step 4.
4) If desired, click Show additional display settings, then configure delivery time, order processing and service code settings as needed

Shipping Cost
1) Select a rate type for your vendor shipping method. In this example, we’re creating a table of pre-determined rates.
If you are setting up a single flat shipping rate, it doesn’t matter which rate type you select.

You have four (4) settings to choose from:
Quantity – shipping costs will be calculated based on the number of items in the cart. This is the default setting.
Weight – shipping costs will be calculated based on the total weight of the items in the cart.
Total – shipping costs will be calculated based on the total value of the items in the cart.
Dimensional volume – shipping costs will be calculated based on the total volume of the items in the cart.
2) Leave Rate grouping set to Combine products.

Earlier in this setup, when we configured the Scenario, we set Product filters to ‘Match product conditions’, so only products from the vendor will be filtered through to the shipping method. All of those products will be combined when the shipping cost is calculated.
Whereas, if you were to select Separate products instead, products from that vendor would be separated and calculated by Product ID. That sub-total would then be blended together with rates from other vendors. Depending on how your rate table is configured, this could impact the final rate calculation.
3) Enter the up to amount for the lowest rate on your rate table. This is the limit for the cost entered in Step 4.
For example, if you selected Quantity in Step 1, the up to limit is based on the number of items in the cart.
For our rate table example, we’re entering ’10’ (10 items) for our first rate row.

If you’re setting up a single flat shipping rate for any cart value, enter the ~ (tilde) symbol. In Intuitive Shipping, the tilde symbol means ‘no limit’, and will allow the customer to order any cart quantity, weight, total or size to get this shipping cost.

4) Enter the first cost for your rate table. This is the cost the customer will see at checkout if their cart is within the up to limit in Step 3.
For our rate table example, we’re entering ’15’ ($15.00) for our first rate row.

If you’re setting up a single flat shipping rate, enter the flat cost.
5) Leave the Per unit field blank. This is an optional setting and typically not required for this setup, unless your vendor charges a ‘per unit’ cost for shipping.
For example, if your vendor charges $2.00 per item, you would enter a cost of ‘2’ and a per unit value of ‘1’. A customer ordering 8 items would be charged $16.00 for shipping at checkout.
If you’re setting up a single flat shipping rate, skip ahead to Step 8. If you’re setting up a table of rates, continue to Step 6.
6) Click Add rate to add another shipping cost to your rate table, then repeat Steps 3 to 5 to set up each additional cost.

7) Repeat Steps 3 to 6 for each additional rate in your rate table.
It doesn’t matter which order rates are entered. After you save your shipping method, rates will automatically be sorted by ‘up to’ limit, from lowest to highest.

If your vendor does not have a maximum rate on their rate table, we recommend setting the last up to limit on your rate table to ~ (tilde), which means ‘no limit’.

In this example, a customer ordering any quantity greater than 30 will be charged $40.00 for shipping at checkout. Whereas, if you the set up to limit to 40 (to follow the pattern), a customer ordering any quantity between 31 and 40 will are charged $40.00 for shipping, and a customer ordering any quantity greater than 40 items will not get a cost from this shipping method at checkout.
Additional settings are available for cart splitting and rate row blending. Cart splitting can be used for either single flat rates or rate tables. Rate row blending is intended to be used only with rate tables.
If you do not need to split the cart or blend multiple cost rows, skip ahead to Optional Settings. Otherwise, continue to Step 8.
8) If desired, click Show additional shipping cost settings.

Optional Settings
Each custom service shipping method includes optional settings for cost adjustments, free shipping thresholds, custom shipping blending and rate blending.
For this example, most of these settings can be adjusted only if desired, except for rate blending, which is required for this setup.
1) Click Show optional settings.

If you do not need to add cost adjustments, set a free shipping threshold or blend ‘per product’ shipping costs, skip ahead to Rate Blending. Otherwise, continue to Step 2.
2) If desired, apply cost adjustments to your rate table or flat shipping rate. This may include a min or max cost limit, shipping credit, mark up, handling fee, insurance fee, discount or rounding.

3) If desired, set a free shipping threshold.

4) If desired, configure custom shipping blending.
These settings only apply if you have products with custom shipping prices. If you do not have products with custom shipping prices, these settings are ignored.

Rate Blending
Rate blending is required for this setup. It ensures that each of your vendor shipping rates is blended together into a single rate.
1) Select Blend with other rates.

By default, Intuitive Shipping is set to simple blending when first installed. This means that any shipping methods that have rate blending set to ‘Blend with other rates’ will be added together into a single rate. You have the option to switch to advanced blending if desired.
If you see a reference to ‘simple rate blending’ at the bottom of the Rate blending section, skip ahead to Save Your Settings.

If you see a reference to ‘advanced blending’, continue to Step 2.

2) If you’re using advanced rate blending, add a Blending group tag.
All shipping methods with the same blending group tag, whether they are parcel service shipping methods with live carrier rates or custom service shipping methods with pre-determined rates, will be blended together.

Save Your Settings
1) Click the Save button to save your first vendor shipping method.

2) Scroll to the top, then click the back button. This will return you to the Edit Scenario page.

3) Scroll down to Shipping rates and services.
If you are using simple rate blending, you will see a ‘Blended’ tag next to your vendor shipping method.

If you are using advanced rate blending, you will see your custom blending group tag, such as the letter ‘A’, next to your vendor shipping method.

Add A Second Vendor Scenario
To simplify the process, you can create a duplicate of your original vendor Scenario, then make changes to suit your second vendor.
1) Click Shipping on the sidebar menu, then select Scenarios from the drop-down list.

2) Click Edit beside your original vendor Scenario.

3) Click Duplicate below the Scenario heading. This will create an exact copy of the original Scenario, including the shipping method.

General Settings
1) Change the Scenario title from ‘Copy of [original title] to something else, like the name of your second vendor.

2) If you want the Scenario to be available right away, leave the Scenario status set to On. If you want to test it first before making it public, set it to Test.

1) In the condition value checklist, deselect the original vendor, then select the second vendor. Be sure only your second vendor has been selected.

2) Leave all other Conditions settings as-is.
Product Filters
1) Leave Product filters set to Match product conditions.
That means, only products from the vendor selected in Conditions will be calculated by the shipping method assigned to this Scenario. In the vast majority of cases, this is the desired result.
Save Your Settings
1) Click the Save button to save your second vendor Scenario.

Update The Vendor Shipping Method
The shipping method displayed in the Shipping rates and services section of your second (duplicate) Scenario is an exact copy of the original vendor shipping method. It was included when you created the duplicate Scenario. Ideally, your second vendor requires a similar shipping method.
In this example, we’re going to edit the copy of the custom service shipping method we created in the first Scenario with a table of pre-determined rates. If you set up a flat shipping rate in your first vendor shipping method – or, if your second vendor uses flat rates instead of a rate table – you can still follow the steps below.
If your first vendor shipping method was a parcel service shipping method and your second vendor shipping method uses the same carrier, you can edit the copy as desired, such as adjusting a mark up or adding a free shipping threshold.
If either of these is true, you will not be able to edit the copy of the shipping method:
- The first and second vendors both use a parcel service shipping method, but the carriers are different.
- One of the vendors uses a flat shipping rate or rate table, and the other uses a parcel service.
If the copy of the shipping method cannot be edited, you will need to delete it and create a new vendor shipping method to suit your second vendor.
1) Click Edit beside the shipping method.

Shipping Cost
1) Scroll down to the Shipping cost section, then, if desired, update the Rate type.
If you are editing or switching to a single flat shipping rate, it doesn’t matter which rate type is selected.

You have four (4) settings to choose from:
Quantity – shipping costs will be calculated based on the number of items in the cart.
Weight – shipping costs will be calculated based on the total weight of the items in the cart.
Total – shipping costs will be calculated based on the total value of the items in the cart.
Dimensional volume – shipping costs will be calculated based on the total volume of the items in the cart.
2) Change the Up to and Cost fields for each of your rate rows as desired based on the rate table from your second vendor.

3) To remove excess rate rows, click the trash can icon for the corresponding rate row.

4) To add more cost rows, click Add rate, then add values for both Up to and Cost.
It doesn’t matter which order rates are entered. After you save your shipping method, rates will automatically be sorted by ‘up to’ limit, from lowest to highest.

5) If desired, click Show additional shipping cost settings, then edit the defaults or custom settings copied from your original vendor shipping method.

Optional Settings
1) Click Show optional settings.

2) If desired, edit any cost adjustments, free shipping and custom shipping blending settings copied from your original vendor shipping method, or adjust these settings to suit your second vendor shipping method.
Rate Blending
As with the original vendor shipping method, rate blending is required for this setup. It ensures that each of your vendor shipping rates is blended together into a single rate.
1) Leave Rate blending set to Blend with other rates.

By default, Intuitive Shipping is set to simple blending. This means that any shipping methods that have rate blending set to ‘Blend with other rates’ will be added together into a single rate.
If you are using ‘simple rate blending’, skip ahead to Save Your Settings.

If you are using ‘advanced blending’, continue to Step 2.

2) If you’re using advanced rate blending, ensure the Blending group tag is the same as the one that was used for your original vendor shipping method.
All shipping methods with the same blending group tag, whether they are parcel service shipping methods with live carrier rates or custom service shipping methods with pre-determined rates, will be blended together.

Save Your Settings
1) Click the Save button to save your second vendor shipping method.

2) Scroll to the top, then click the back button. This will return you to the Edit Scenario page.

3) Scroll down to Shipping rates and services.
If you are using simple rate blending, you will continue to see the ‘Blended’ tag next to your vendor shipping method that was there when you first created the duplicate.

If you are using advanced rate blending – and you did not edit or remove the blending group tag – you will continue to see the same custom blending group tag, such as the letter ‘A’, that was there when you first created the duplicate.

Add More Vendor Scenarios
You can add as many vendor Scenarios and shipping methods as you need.
1) Repeat all the steps in the Add A Second Vendor Scenario section to create additional vendor shipping methods.
If you are using advanced blending, skip ahead to Create A Blending Rule. If you’re using simple blending, continue to the next section.
Simple Blending Rate Settings
If all you want to do is sum all of the vendor shipping methods together, there is nothing else to do. You’re ready to go! As long as each of the individual shipping methods is set to ‘Blend with other rates’, and you see the tag ‘Blended’ beside each vendor shipping method, they’ll be blended together automatically at checkout. That’s why we call it ‘simple’ blending!
However, if you want to change the display title or calculate the blended rate another way, or if you want to round the blended cost, you can adjust your simple rate blending settings.
1) Click Shipping on the sidebar menu, then select Rate blending from the drop-down list.

To confirm you are using simple blending, a blue banner with ‘Simple blending mode active’ is displayed at the top of the page.

General Settings
1) Enter a blended rate title. By default, the the title is pre-loaded as ‘Standard’, but you can change it if desired.

Let’s say you used the title ‘Vendor A Shipping’ for Vendor A, and the title ‘Vendor B Shipping’ for Vendor B. And, to simplify things, you titled your blended rate ‘Shipping’.
A customer ordering just Vendor A products will see the title ‘Vendor A Shipping’ at checkout, whereas a customer ordering just Vendor B products will see the title ‘Vendor B Shipping’ at checkout. However, a customer ordering both Vendor A and Vendor B products will see the blended rate title ‘Shipping’ at checkout.
Alternatively, if you prefer to combine the vendor titles together – for example, instead of just ‘Shipping’, it displays ‘Vendor A Shipping + Vendor B Shipping’ as the title, this feature is available in advanced blending.
2) Select a blending mode.

You have seven (7) settings to choose from:
Add shipping method costs together – costs from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be added together, and displayed as a single shipping cost at checkout. This is the default setting.
Best value shipping method – the rate with the best value from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Least expensive shipping method – the rate with the lowest cost from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Most expensive shipping method – the rate with the lowest cost from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Average shipping method costs together – the average cost from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Fastest delivery shipping method – the rate with the fastest delivery method from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Slowest delivery shipping method – the rate with the slowest delivery method from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Additional settings are available for cost rounding. If you don’t need to round the blended cost, skip ahead to Step 7. Otherwise, continue to Step 3.
3) Click Show optional settings.

4) Select Round final shipping cost.

5) Choose which direction to round the final blended shipping cost.

You have three (3) settings to choose from:
Up/down – the blended shipping cost will be rounded either up or down by the increment selected in Step 6 – whichever is closer.
Up – the blended shipping cost will be rounded up by the increment selected in Step 6.
Down – the blended shipping cost will be rounded down by the increment selected in Step 6.
6) Choose the increment amount to round the shipping cost.

You have four (4) settings to choose from:
0.50 – the blended shipping cost will be rounded up or down to the nearest 0.50 of your base currency. If the blended shipping cost is $48.80, the rounded cost will be either $48.50 or $49.00, depending on the setting selected in Step 5.
1.00 – the blended shipping cost will be rounded up or down to the nearest 1.00 of your base currency. If the blended shipping cost is $48.80, the rounded cost will be either $48.00 or $49.00, depending on the setting selected in Step 5.
5.00 – the blended shipping cost will be rounded up or down to the nearest 5.00 of your base currency. If the blended shipping cost is $48.80, the rounded cost will be either $45.00 or $50.00, depending on the setting selected in Step 5.
10.00 – the blended shipping cost will be rounded up or down to the nearest 10.00 of your base currency. If the blended shipping cost is $48.80, the rounded cost will be either $40.00 or $50.00, depending on the setting selected in Step 5.
7) Click the Save button to save your simple blended rate.

Create A Blending Rule
If you’re using advanced blending, you must create a blending rule, even if all you want to do is sum rates together. If you do not create a blending rule, blending will be ignored, even if you enabled blending in each shipping method. Each vendor shipping method will be displayed separately as an option at checkout.
1) Click Shipping on the sidebar menu, then select Rate blending from the drop-down list.

You will know if advanced blending mode is enabled if you are prompted to create a blending rule.

General Settings
1) Enter a blended rate title.

That means, when a customer orders products from multiple vendors, the title entered here is displayed – depending on the setting selected in Step 4. Whereas, if a customer only orders products from one single vendor, the shipping method title for that vendor will be displayed instead.
2) Set the status.

You have three (3) settings to choose from:
Off – rate blending will be ignored. Shipping methods with rate blending enabled will not blended, and will be displayed as individual shipping methods at checkout.
Test – rate blending will only be displayed at checkout when you use the word ‘Intuitive’ as either the customer’s first or last name. Shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed as individual shipping methods to customers at checkout. This is the default setting.
On – rate blending will be displayed at checkout when shipping methods have rate blending enabled.
Additional display settings are available for blending titles, descriptions, delivery times and service codes when rate blending is enabled.
3) Click Show additional display settings.

4) If desired, select a title blending setting.

Your have three (3) settings to choose from:
Use blended rate title – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the title entered in Step 1 will be displayed to the customer at checkout.
Combine shipping method titles – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the vendor shipping method titles will be combined.
For example, if you have a shipping method called ‘Vendor A Shipping’ and another shipping method called ‘Vendor B Shipping’, the shipping method title will be displayed as ‘Vendor A Shipping + Vendor B Shipping’ at checkout.
Combine shipping method titles and display costs – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the shipping method titles, along with cost references for each, will be combined.
For example, if ‘Vendor A Shipping’ has a flat rate cost of $30.00 and ‘Vendor B Shipping’ has a flat rate cost of $15.00, the shipping method title will be displayed as ‘Vendor A Shipping (30) + Vendor B Shipping (15)’. The actual shipping cost will still be displayed as the blended rate of $45.00.
5) If desired, select a description blending setting.

Your have two (2) options to choose from:
Combine descriptions – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the shipping method descriptions will be combined.
For example, if your ‘Vendor A Shipping’ shipping method has the description ‘Glassware items ship by ground’ and your ‘Vendor B Shipping’ method has the description ‘Home decor items ship by air’, the shipping method description will be displayed as ‘Glassware items ship by ground + Home decor items ship by air’ at checkout.
If you choose this option, skip ahead to Step 7.
Custom description – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the shipping method description entered in Step 6 will be displayed.
6) If you selected Custom description in Step 5, enter a custom description. We recommend limiting your description to 90 characters or less to ensure it displays properly on the checkout page.

7) If desired, select a delivery blending time setting.

You have three (3) options to choose from:
Use the slowest delivery time – when rate blending is enabled, the slowest delivery time in the blended rate will be displayed at checkout.
For example, if Vendor A products have a delivery time of 5-7 days, and Vendor B products have a delivery time of 2-3 days, the delivery time for the blended rate will be displayed as ‘5 to 7 business days’.
Use the fastest delivery time – when rate blending is enabled, the fastest delivery time in the blended rate will be displayed at checkout.
Using the same example, the delivery time for the blended rate will be displayed as ‘2 to 3 business days’.
If you choose either ‘slowest’ or ‘fastest’, skip ahead to Step 9.
Custom delivery time – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the delivery time entered in Step 8 is displayed.
8) If you selected Custom delivery time in Step 7, enter a custom delivery time in days.

Min delivery time – enter the lower limit of your delivery time range.
Max delivery time – enter the upper limit of your delivery time range. When combined with the min setting, delivery times will be displayed like ‘3 to 5 business days’ at checkout.
For example, if you prefer to have delivery time displayed as ‘3 business days’ instead of ‘3 to 5 business days’, enter ‘3’ in either minimum or maximum and leave the other field blank.
9) If desired, select a service code blending setting. Service codes are sent to your fulfillment service (if applicable) when a customer successfully completes their checkout.

You have two (2) options to choose from:
Combine service codes – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the shipping method service codes will be combined and sent to your fulfillment service.
For example, if Vendor A products have a service code of ‘GRD’, and Vendor B products have a service code of ‘AIR’, the service code will be sent to your fulfillment services as ‘GRD + AIR’.
If you choose this option, skip ahead to Step 11.
Custom service code – when rate blending is enabled and multiple shipping methods are activated, the service code entered in Step 10 is sent to your fulfillment service.
10) If you selected Custom service code in Step 9, enter a custom service code.

For example, if the ‘Vendor A Shipping’ shipping method is assigned to a Scenario called ‘Vendor A Products’ and the ‘Vendor B Shipping’ shipping method assigned to a Scenario called ‘Vendor B Products’, the combined shipping method title will be displayed as ‘Vendor A Shipping + Vendor B Shipping’.
However, if the ‘Vendor A Products’ Scenario is renamed ‘Glassware’, and the ‘Vendor B Products’ Scenario is renamed ‘Accessories’, the combined title will be displayed as ‘Vendor B Shipping + Vendor A Shipping’ because the Scenario ‘Accessories’ comes ahead of ‘Glassware’ alphabetically.
11) Select a blending mode.

You have seven (7) options to choose from:
Add shipping method costs together – costs from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be added together, and displayed as a single shipping cost at checkout. This is the default setting.
Best value shipping method – the rate with the best value from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Least expensive shipping method – the rate with the lowest cost from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Most expensive shipping method – the rate with the highest cost from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Average shipping method costs together – the average cost from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Fastest delivery shipping method – the rate with the fastest delivery method from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
Slowest delivery shipping method – the rate with the slowest delivery method from all of the shipping methods with rate blending enabled will be displayed at checkout.
12) Enter a blending group tag.

Intuitive Shipping uses a tagging system to identify shipping methods that are being blended together. Shipping tags can be just about anything you want, though we recommend using something simple and easy to remember, like the letter ‘A’.
If you used something other than ‘A’ as the blending group tag when setting up your vendor shipping methods, change the tag from ‘A’ to whatever tag you used earlier in the vendor setups.
An additional blending setting is available to determine which blending groups receive a cost. However, if you followed the steps in this guide, you only have one blending group, and this setting is not applicable.

Additional settings are available for cost limits, discounts, mark ups and rounding. If you want to adjust the final blended cost in any way, click on Show optional settings, then adjust the cost adjustment settings as needed. Otherwise, continue to the next section.

Save Your Settings
1) Click the Save button to save your advanced blended rate.

Check out more common setups or look at additional setups.